Tax Organizers and Questionnaires

papers-to-organizeOrganize your tax information!  We have mailed, or will be mailing, customized Organizers and Tax Questionnaires to you, our clients, to help guide you in gathering the information we need to prepare the tax returns. These tools will help give us a better understanding to more accurately prepare the tax return and to discover tax saving opportunities.

Because situation may have changed, additional Individual Income Tax Organizer pages are available to down load should they be needed (see below).

NOTE: Many of the Organizer pages have a column for the prior year’s information. This is for reference purposes only and you do not have to complete the prior year’s information. Please only provide the current year’s information.


Circular 230 Disclosure: This is to advise you that, unless expressly stated, nothing in this communication (including any attachment or other accompanying materials) was intended or written to be used, and it cannot be used by any taxpayer, for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties, or for promoting, marketing, or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to anyone.